Whalers Travis Smythe, Zac Sherwin, Chris Fortems, Bryce Margetson and Caleb Cruz wear Semiahmoo Ravens third jerseys. Each orange jersey will be auctioned to benefit the Indian Residential School Survivors Society.
Left to right: Whalers Travis Smythe, Zac Sherwin, Chris Fortems, Bryce Margetson and Caleb Cruz wear Semiahmoo Ravens third jerseys. Each orange jersey will be auctioned to help former residential school students.

Local Semiahmoo First Nation artist Roxanne Charles designed the striking raven logo adopted by the Semiahmoo Ravens minor hockey association.
WHITE ROCK – For the first time in their five-year history, the Whalers will team up with Semiahmoo First Nation.
This Saturday, Oct. 1 – a day after the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – the Whalers will skate against the Delta Ice Hawks in Centennial Arena at 7:30 p.m.
During the game, Pod players will wear unique orange jerseys from the local Semiahmoo minor hockey association; these jerseys will be part of an online auction to benefit the Indian Residential School Survivors Society of British Columbia.
Please note that all bids for the auction will close on Oct. 7 at 10 p.m. Pacific.
Online Jersey Auction Link => Bid Now!
The auction will go live online this Friday, Sept 30, 2022, at 9:00 am and will feature these unique and custom game-worn jerseys from the players on the Whalers 2022-23 season rosters.

The Whalers are not the only team involved; the Jr. ‘A’ Surrey Eagles; Chilliwack Chiefs; and the B.C. Hockey League will also participate in their own respective weekend match-ups.
White Rock team president Ronnie Paterson said the entire process was an example of “inclusion in our community.”
Calling all future superstars!
All kids who wear their minor hockey jersey will attend for free on Oct. 1 in Centennial Arena.